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AGEPI and ANACEC signed a Cooperation Agreement


A Cooperation Agreement was signed on March 26, 2021, between the State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI) represented by Viorel Iustin, Director General, and the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Education and Research (ANACEC), represented by Andrei Chiciuc, President. The agreement aims to strengthen and deepen cooperation relations in areas of mutual interest. Starting from the desideratum of European integration of the Republic of Moldova and rallying of science in the country to international research standards, recognizing the role of intellectual property, education, research and innovation in the economic, social and cultural development of our country and taking into account the need to strengthen and comply with the national system of intellectual property and quality assurance in education and research according to international standards in the field, both entities undertake to achieve the following objectives:

  • streamlining the research and innovation process, as well as strengthening the national intellectual property protection system;
  • promoting international research quality assurance standards and best practices in order to streamline the acquisition of new scientific or technological knowledge within organizations and institutions in the fields of research and innovation, by organizing information and training seminars;
  • familiarizing researchers and inventors in the country with the provisions of national and international legislation in the field of intellectual property;
  • developing the competencies of specialists within organizations and institutions in the fields of research and innovation in research management, including in the field of legal protection and use of intellectual property objects;
  • providing information assistance to organizations and institutions in the fields of research and innovation in order to create and/or develop intellectual property and technology transfer management services;
  • co-publishing, as co-founders, the journal of intellectual property, science and education “Intellectus”, promoting it in the country and abroad in order to integrate it into the international scientific circuit

The priority directions of joint cooperation are cooperation in the process of drafting normative acts, as well as other instructions and recommendations, which will contribute to the efficiency of the research and innovation process, as well as to the consolidation of the national intellectual property protection system; cooperation in the preparation for printing and editing of the journal of intellectual property, science and education “Intellectus”, in the preparation of the evaluation file of the journal in accordance with the ANACEC Regulations on the Evaluation, Classification and Monitoring of Scientific Journals and on Promoting the Publication in the Scientific and University Environment in the Country and Abroad, including through international databases and international catalogs of field summaries.

The full Cooperation Agreement can be accessed below.

PDF icon ANACEC_AGEPI.pdf2.34 MB