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Week for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings


On October 18, 2016, is marked the “European Day against Trafficking in Human Beings”. On this occasion, in the Republic of Moldova, for the fifth consecutive year, is conducted the National Campaign “Week for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings”.

This event is organized by the Permanent Secretariat of the National Committee for Combating Human Trafficking, central and local public authorities, in partnership with non-governmental and international organizations in the Republic of Moldova. Conducting Anti-Trafficking Week aims to raise society awareness of the risks and consequences of trafficking in human beings (THB), the progress of the anti-trafficking community, review of gaps and obstacles in implementing the European Council Convention on Action against THB.

The campaign will be launched with a press conference with the participation of representatives of central public administration institutions, implementing partners and civil society. Within it will be addressed anti-trafficking community achievements and trends in the THB segment.

The press conference will be followed by the conduct of a series of activities throughout the National Campaign, such as: presentation of the Strategic Review Report “Monitoring the Situation on Trafficking in Human Beings - Analysis of Offence State and Dynamics for 2015”, 3 roundtables for multidisciplinary team members to fully strengthen efforts to prevent and combat THB; art exhibition on marking European Anti-Trafficking Day, in which artists from around the country will present works of art reflecting the THB issue; public lectures to students of law, international relations, political sciences, journalism, social assistance departments of the Institute of International Relations of Moldova University of European Studies of Moldova, Free International University of Moldova, social theater as a method of psychotherapy in group and instrument to prevent THB; photo contest “Youth against THB through the Lens”, designing video spots on the risks of illegal migration of manpower and testimonies of THB victims; donation of specialized books.

During this period will be carried out activities throughout the country, with the direct involvement of territorial Commissions for combating THB, that will specifically conduct awareness activities, such as: distribution of information materials, like: the folder “Families without Borders”, the informative folder with hotlines of the anti-trafficking community, the folder “Protection of Children” and “Hearing of Children Victims/Witnesses of Crimes under Special Conditions”, the interviewer’s guide “Hearing in Specially Arranged Areas of Children- Victims or Witnesses of Crimes”, the guide “How to Protect Adolescents from Emotional Abuse”; watching/running of video spots based on the testimonies of THB victims, etc.

The matrix of activities for conducting the National Campaign contains 107 activities, of which 34 activities will be held at the central level and 73 activities at the local level, and can be accessed from the link: http://antitrafic.gov.md/lib.php?l=ro&idc=101and https://www.facebook.com/antitrafic/.