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Meeting of Patent Attorneys in Intellectual Property


On 28 November 2013, in the Conference Hall of the State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI) was held the Meeting of patent attorneys in intellectual property.

During the meeting were discussed several priority issues in the field of protection of intellectual property objects.

Thus, according to the meeting work agenda, Director of Inventions and Plant Varieties Department Ala Gusan presented to patent attorneys extensive information about the provisions of the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Moldova and the European Patent Organization (EPO) on Validation of European Patents. The document was signed in Munich, Germany, on 16 October 2013. After the entry into force of the said Validation Agreement, European patent applications and patents will also have legal effect in the Republic of Moldova. In accordance with the signed Agreement, Republic of Moldova will also benefit from the necessary legal and technical assistance for the implementation of the system of validation and consolidation of the national system of protection of inventions.

At the meeting, the Deputy Director of Trademarks, Industrial Designs Department Svetlana Sahan and the Head of Industrial Designs Division Alexandru Saitan informed patent attorneys about the entry into force since January 1, 2014, of the 10th edition of the Nice International Classification of Goods and Services (Nice Classification), version 2014 (NCL 10-2014) and, respectively, the 10th edition of the International Classification for Industrial Designs (Locarno Classification) (LOC).

The summary of classes of the updated editions of the Nice Classification and Locarno Classification were published in BOPI no. 11, 2013

Detailed information on the proposed amendments to the text of the special laws on intellectual property presented the Head of Legislation Division Diana Stici. The proposed amendments come to improve the existing legal framework and exclude divergences occurred in the process of examination and registration of intellectual property objects.

Also, the Head of International Trademarks Division Ludmila Cocieru informed the audience about the amendment of the website interface of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and demonstrated how to access international databases (Lisbon System, 6ter, Madrid System), including forms, fee calculator, etc.

Also, Ludmila Cocieru presented the new online tools created by the International Bureau of WIPO: Madrid Goods and Services Manager (MGS) and Madrid Real-time Status (MRS).

MGS - aims to facilitate the filing of the application for the international registration of trademarks through the Madrid System, helping applicants / their representatives in developing the list of goods and services, and MRS - allows anyone interested in real-time visualization of documents issued for certain international application filed.

Patent attorneys actively participated in the discussions on the questions included in the work agenda, including proposals and recommendations submitted to the draft amendments that are proposed in the special laws on intellectual property.