In the context of the Decision of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova no.55 from 17.03.2020 on declaring the state of emergency throughout the territory of the Republic of Moldova, between March 17 and May 15, 2020,
having regard to the Dispositions of the Commission for Exceptional Situations of the Republic of Moldova No.1 of March 18, 2020, and No.6 of March 26, 2020,
taking into account the Decisions of the National Extraordinary Public Health Commission regarding the evolution of the epidemiological situation generated by the infection with coronavirus no. 6 of March 10, 2020, and no. 7 of March 13, 2020,
in addition to the AGEPI press releases of March 13, 18 and 19,
willing to avoid the risk of coronavirus spreading and to protect AGEPI staff and the applicants,
the State Agency on Intellectual Property informs about the extension of the special activity regime of AGEPI, instituted for the duration of the state of emergency declared from March 17 to May 15, 2020, as follows:
- Suspension of all public meetings, with the participation of persons from outside during the entire period of the state of emergency;
- Cancellation or postponement of seminars, workshops and other information and training events with the participation of third parties by May 15, 2020;
- Suspension until the end of the emergency period of the consulting services and the audiences in-person within the AGEPI premises;
- Extension of the special working regime of AGEPI employees;
- Suspension of the activity of AGEPI between March 30 - April 3, 2020, with the declaration of these days as days of rest.
Depending on the evolution of the epidemiological situation generated by the infection with COVID-19 on the territory of the Republic of Moldova and following other decisions to be taken in this regard, AGEPI will communicate through its website about any further modification of its work program, including the extension or cancellation of certain activity restrictions.